Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Does My Deodorant Burn?

If it existed, I would ...

Every night when I go to bed, my brain falls in "inspired" ... Yes, yes ... it is evening, under the covers, falling asleep as messages to share with you multiply. I would love to go to bed, an electrode on the temple, connected to a USB drive that records in. Txt what I said in my head.

And you, when you're most inspired (e) to compose your posts?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is Mouth Cancer Affect From One Person To Another

Great question ...

I wonder whether much my blog is really me. When I created it, there was no question of home schooling but now it takes a lot of space. The name is not representative of what we live. The graphic presentation of my blog will change difficult because it is still the old structure that I use and that by upgrading my blog, I'll lose all my previous changes. I know several of you read my blog and as many have placed in their playlist, so I dare not simply transfer to a new address my content. I could maybe change my blog, my title, to represent me while keeping the address? Probably you, no one really know the address of the blog, simply entitled " Authentique " and my nick "Cherry " since you will not go your playlist?
Do surprise not so in the coming days, you do not recognize my blog, I would remake a beauty to better represent me!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Catholic Confirmation Letter Ideas

Workshops Thursday!

Today we went to our first day of workshops on Thursday. Program, we had a period of English, a period drama and a musical period. The day was well structured despite some minor adjustments to make in the coming weeks.

We started with the instructions issued by the "parent educators". Two groups were formed: 4-7 years and 8-14 years. The group began with a small workshop of English. After introducing himself "My name is ..." we sang the ABC. With puppets, the children practiced the vocabulary cloud, grass, boy, girl, dog ... " Son has been quite involved. Subsequently, a theater workshop to stretch. It was more difficult, Sonny refused to participate to the fullest, smiling. I tried to leave the course but he did not want to stay and joined me. It will be better next week;)

Period Dinner all together followed by an hour outside. Team games were organized and I was surprised to see Junior participate. When there are larger, it easier to integrate.

In the afternoon, we had a free period for children and a subsequent short period of awakening to the sounds. I have used this time to accompany the greatest in English! Because the court of musical awakening was shorter than expected, other moms have supported my son and gave him his snack when you have found our lunch box. Sonny was very happy!

Several mothers have small babies and toddlers. It's been a wonderful relief work which has allowed some mothers to give workshops while others took care of their babies and toddlers. I find it really admirable assistance that occurs naturally between the moms group.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Schemas Chargeur Black & Decker

slender bottle and the bottle bulging

We did a little experiment today is very simple: Determine the amount of water in two bottles of different sizes. By completing the 2 bottles of water at the same level it was necessary to determine whether a bottle contained more water than the other Pour into identical glasses. We then walked the family's convenience store displays to compare canned goods, soap bottles, juice and more. Son understands that two containers of the same height might have a different capacity. You will find my

roadmap here

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Capturing Frontcam E71

Prepare first year

Since we have already almost completed the kindergarten program next year, we will begin the first year. I do not know how fast Junior advance but since we have a year ahead of grade level in Quebec, it is the least of my worries. If I was ready, Junior would begin immediately reading and mathematics because he, he is ready.

I started looking at the books available in both mathematics and French. After trying the mathematics Lyons home , it is certain that I will not use this method that I find too challenging to prepare. I studied the first textbook of Mathematics Singapore available in French at Library Schools and I 'm really delighted. I still want to discover other math books before making my choice.

In French, there is the series " Island in the heart of palm " of Artichoke Publishing that caught my attention. I ordered all the From School Library From Rank for the study and a friend will lend me "The keys of knowledge" published Guerin I can compare .

Do you have used any of the books mentioned above? What was your assessment and your or your children?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Baby's Room Wood Paneling

Week on emotions

This week, we talked a lot of emotions. Son has difficulty managing his emotions and to understand how he feels, he must put his feelings into words. We did different activities and discussions of anger, joy, embarrassment, sadness, fear and how you can take to relieve and express our emotions.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Luna Bang Bros Online

The candle that extinguishes itself

Today we did a little scientific experiment. Of course, we have not gone into details, it's just a way to learn to observe and anticipate results. I first presented the roadmap that I made, you will find it here . Son has speculated then we realized the experiment

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How To Get Rid Of An Iphone Email Virus

Winter skate

Last year, we explored fields snowshoe . This year, since we live in a very small village of 200 inhabitants and that the Recreation Committee is very involved, Honey and some other people took responsibility for the care of the rink. So this year's Junior has laced up his first ice skates! Girls have fun as skating and even I have fun.

Here are our outings, day and night, skate, boot and even with our dog:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tanning Negative Effects

balance homeschooling mid-year

During the holidays, I took the opportunity to take stock of knowledge of Junior with the document assessments maternal . Son has made good progress, I am more than satisfied, especially that along the way, I realized that the level of Junior is located closer to the mother as the pre-kindergarten. I now have a good tool to prepare the second part of the year because I could identify concepts vested and unvested. The objectives are clear and we should have acquired most of the kindergarten program in Quebec in June!
Get one or more updates during the year to see the achievements and ideas to work?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Thigh Pain From Sitting

L time household weekly

I introduced in this new year, a different technique and modern housekeeping. Following the idea of Fly Lady I organized with the help of children, one hour weekly cleaning on Saturday morning. Each has its tasks and is timed. They must perform a task correctly in a specified time before moving to the next task. The challenge? A job well done before the bells ring for the timer.

I have divided the tasks per 3X10 minutes to quickly clean the living room kitchen, classroom, bathroom and rear entrance. I add an extra 30 minutes for children fall to their room, dust and vacuum, while me, I wash the floors of rooms arranged and dusted during the first 30 minutes.

We made our first weekly household last Saturday, I was very proud of the cleanliness of the place in so short a time, girls had a little trouble to keep order tasks and Junior must learn to perform a task correctly, but it went very well.

Here is an overview of tasks for everyone;

- Dust Class (10 min)
- Remove and store the toys under the couch (10 min)
- Helping Pitoune to store the back entrance (10 min)
- Ranger his room, dusting and vacuuming to do (30 min)

Pitoune :
- Keep the bathroom (10 min)
- Wash countertops, sink, toilet (10 min)
- Ranger rear entrance (10 min)
- Ranger his room, dusting and vacuuming to do (30 min)

My great:
- Ranger lounge and Hutch (10 min)
- the Dust living room and the dresser (10min)
- Ranger and dusting room mom (10 min)
- Ranger his room, dusting and vacuuming to do (30 min)

- store and clean kitchen counter (10min)
- Vacuum (10 min)
- Clean mirrors and bath (10 min)
- Wash floors (30 min)

Well I confess, I do not take 30 minutes to wash the floors, but I go back behind the children, and I encourage them to make their room as soon as possible by directing a little to help them, especially for Junior, who plays as soon as I turned back;)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cruise Spots In Columbus Ohio

Hearty Chickpea

A great soup meal, a new recipe I tried last week and was a success! I highly recommend!


2 c s.
oil 2 onions, chopped
1 / 4 c to t. celery salt
1 cup dried chickpeas, which have been soaked in cold water 12 hours
1 / 2 cup Quinoa
10 cups chicken broth 3 carrots
, minced 1
potato, peeled , diced
1 / 2 c at t. basil pepper


- Heat the oil, brown the onions. Add celery salt and chickpeas.
- Pour the broth and bring to a boil. Cover; low heat, cook 2 to 3 hours or until chickpeas or cooked.
- Add carrots, potatoes and basil and continue cooking 15 to 20 minutes. Add the quinoa and pepper.
- Remove from heat and let stand quinoa.

Well, bon appetit