Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brownie Badges In The 70s

OMG! Do You Know When The Glee's next episode is coming out?


Today I'm feeling sarcastic humor. Seated before a computer in the university library, searching desperately for a good topic for the blog, I'm bored.

I can go work on my English or catch up on missed lessons of English civilization. But no! I prefer messing around. Yet I tell you not mount I have to do chores at home.

So watching people mind their own business, I asked a silly question: What's your obsession right now? No need to think very long. And the answer to that question is ... GLEE and other séries.Comme everyone, I had to endure the winter hiatus (winter break U.S. series) and therefore I had to find a new occupation.

Oh maybe I should be clear that I have neither TV nor the Internet (Internet but finally I 8GB per month is not enough for a geek like me).

So when I get home, not Lagaf or Grand Journal that await me but a pile of DVDs already seen and reviewed a million times and episodes of Glee, Modern Family, Vampire Diaries or How To Make It In America analyzed. I'm so into fashion series that I dream of these series. I'm replaying scenes in my head and I ask too many questions. Like:
- "And if she had said it this way, what would it have happened?"
- "And if X would begin with Y, W would say?"
- "Why kill X? X is too important for the understanding of history. There is no point"

So you understand, I'm an addict. You can translate it the lack of social life, by isolation or by madness. But do not get me wrong, I'm done with this state. There are worse addictions, right?

All this to share one of my addictions. I am aware that the article was not built. But it may be the only section built of all the articles I published.

I leave you with some clips / scenes from the series I HEART. Enjoy


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