Saturday, October 23, 2010

Asus Striker Extreme Ddr

MESSAGE # 4 - Crossing Tonga-New Zealand

October 23, 2010 12:00

position has 22S01 177W01

and on the direct route, remain a travel 937 miles, traveled 188 miles. 24-H distance: 156 miles.

The night was beautiful, the wind was down to fifteen knots, the sea was beautiful, and a moon, full and beautiful, accompanied us throughout the night. Levee before the sun goes down, it disappeared slowly this morning, with the first rays of the new day. Second day off, not very easy. The wind and sea have increased tone. Yesterday was the apparent wind is 45 °, it is now 60 °. But it is supported. Established between 20 and 25 knots, he lifted a little sea, enough so that the bows of our catamaran dive frequently ball head. Some pretty heavy seas onto the deck from time to time, calculate its move to go into the floats ... Anyway, this is not downwind is sports, moving, a bit brutal. It seems that the wind take more time than expected to come to the east, so we did with it. Was walking with a laugh all day, and a second was taken for the night, with 2 laps solent and more. The speed increases, often 8 to 9 knots. The coolness has emerged, it was necessary to thread a polar night. We leave tomorrow night in the tropics (23 ° 27 '). We are still not doing the direct route to Whangarei, at 206 now, but ten degrees and more. The wind is expected tomorrow to indulge after the weather map, it would have the advantage of bringing the apparent wind near the beam, and the sea parallel to the road. Look more comfortable, with less impact.

Today, the square was mostly a reading room. Not seen a single boat. Some seabirds, brown noddies, phaeton, gannets. And the sea, vast and deserted.

Towards latitudes South, or what is still only spring.

I started the paperwork for tax collectors extremists in New Zealand.

Tonight 878 miles separate us from Whangarei.



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