Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Is A Slogan For Scabies

MESSAGE N ° 7 - Crossing Tonga - New Zealand

left to go on the direct route tonight miles. Traveled: miles.

I will not beat around the bush, I hate crossing! I notice they make it well. I've never known a time girl, you know the sea calm, the breeze that pushes gentillment the boat has a speed of 6, 7 or neud life remains normal while still on board. C is to say that you can go read a book at the front of the float on the little pad provided for that purpose, we can descend into the storeroom to find something to prepare a good breakfast, that going into the floats n is not a risky operation or wet. No AC for the moment I've ever known, c is opposed to each Once rodeo atmosphere, reefing (Note: reduction of the mainsail), dropping laugh, laugh recovery, bridge asparagus completely from the spray, waves crashing on the windows of the square, rough handling of the boat down in sports floats, claustrophobia in the square. And then when the wind calms down a bit temporarily to reach 20, 21 neud anyway, the speed of the boat "that n is" 8 neud, and the sea gives me some respite, then the cryptic words of Captain m of completion: "It mollis ac mollis, it crawls ...". In recliner in such conditions that unfortunately I know, I see dark black humor, I admit, but I am so unhappy to be there or I'm ... I'm feeling pinched, vulnerable, and especially I feel absolutely none, but no pleasure to see Jangada spin on the ocean. I suffered and I am angry against the elements, the meteorologists (Louison sorry ...) and even against me so resent the thing.

Then I look at my children, absolutely stoic, wallow in the square with their book, or Game Boy, even-tempered, and I envy them. Of course they did not peg to the body and the soul, the anguish that I have, something happens during these crossings Olivier has muscled ... No, they did not plan this kind of bad trips ... the lucky ones.

Fortunately the books are that I become without? They allow me to escape a few square miles of hours and forget my "sad" condition. The children were recovered in yacht clubs, cyber cafes for travelers, etc. ... places where you can exchange books, then, has super turnip rose water, distressing weakness, but have the merit of being eaten by Adelie, followed closely by Marin and the days go endless.

Olivier provides for everything, and I suspect they can appreciate the performance of Jangada under these conditions. I had to sign a world tour with family unhurriedly, for a "multihull race"!

Go to 2 days you should see ratings neozelandaises, and AC will not be a bad memory that will try to forget before the next crossing of dream, like Olivier me this always before sailing ...


rating radio officer

It seems clear that the hot tea was taken bergamot along with the boss in the best lounge Whangarei required on arrival .. . After, it will be much better!


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