Friday, March 4, 2011

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Mirage: The flight recorder found

The flight recorder of the Mirage 2000 N, which crashed Tuesday night in the Hollow, was found "in a degraded state" in the late morning today by investigators, told AFP Attorney Republic of Guéret, Olivier QuÚrard.

"Today there was a breakthrough in research with the discovery in the late morning of the flight recorder that is in a degraded state," said Mr. QuÚrard. "It has been sealed and will be forwarded to the return center of accidents Brétigny-sur-Orge on Saturday," said the prosecutor, noting that if "operations is uncertain, hope to exploit is not lost." The black box was found "at floor level, partly in the mud about fifty yards from the crater," he said.

Today, operations electromagnetic sounding radar were operated by the research institute of the gendarmerie in the lake and the crater and located near Saint-Oradoux Crocq-in East of the Basement. These operations are pre-pumping of the pond and the excavation of the wreck, which could be "at least within ten meters," according to the Air Sirpa. About 25 investigators and technicians assisted by some fifty people responsible for securing the site were still present on site this afternoon.

A pilot and navigator, both aged 30, who were "on duty air," have disappeared in this plane crash.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Gerard Longuet rekindles the flame of remembrance under the Arc de Triomphe

First symbolic gesture of taking office, Mr. Gérard Longuet, the new Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, has rekindled the flame of remembrance under the Arc de Triomphe on Tuesday 1 March 2011.

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Crash Mirage pilots died

Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Jean-Paul Palomeros, Thursday expressed his" condolences most sincere " to the families of two pilots missing "on duty air" after the crash of their Mirage 2000 N Tuesday night.

"The Chief of Staff of the Air Force expresses its deepest compassion extends its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wishes to express feelings Solidarity Air Force as a whole during this difficult time, "said a statement released by the information service and public relations of the Army (Sirpa) air.

"The two crew members, a pilot and navigator, disappeared in controlled air service," the statement said.

Both pilots "both aged thirty years" were "assigned to Fighter Squadron 02/004 Lafayette, on the airbase Luxeuil (Haute-Saône) since 2007 and were experienced, trained and operational, "the statement said.

An investigation to "determine the causes of death"

Mirage Luxeuil departed Tuesday for a traditional mission 20h flight training at night in very low altitude and at 21:20, for some unknown reason, the aircraft disappeared from radar at Aubusson.

Thursday "mining operations (the wreck) were being" on the point of impact in St.-near-Oradoux Crocq, east of hollow, "said Commander Eric Trihoreau, Sirpa Air.

The wreck, not yet visible, could be "at least ten meters below ground," he said. He said the aircraft struck the ground with a "tremendous force."

An investigation to "determine the causes of death" was opened, as the prosecutor Olivier Guéret QuÚrard, that "the weather was not good" in time of the tragedy
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