Thursday, March 3, 2011

Article 15 Drunkeness

Carcassonne The pilot and his crew were not found

operations continued Thursday morning to clear the wreckage of the Mirage 2000 N, which crashed Tuesday night in Creuse, while the pilot from Carcassonne and its crew were missing and that human fragments were discovered Wednesday near the crater.

"Mining operations (the wreck) are currently" on the impact point, located near Saint-Oradoux Crocq-east of
Creuse said Captain Eric Trihoreau, head of media Sirpa (service information and public relations of armies) air.

The wreck still visible, could be "at least in a dozen
meters of land," he said. The aircraft struck the ground with a "tremendous force," "several hundred km / h, if not more," near a pond in the ground "soft and wet" and thus "able to state press very deeply, "he said.

The pond water that had spread into the crater and was pumped mechanical engineering equipment of the air are taking away the land to try to reach the wreckage. The crew, consisting of two experienced riders 30 years, "has not been solved," he added. Analyses of human fragments found Wednesday night near the crater are underway, according to the commander Trihoreau.

This Mirage fighter squadron of the 2 / 4 Lafayette Base Luxeuil-les-Bains (Haute-Saône) took off Tuesday at 20 am on a mission 20 "traditional" trainers night flying at very low altitude, by Sirpa air. At 21 h 20 to some unknown reason, the aircraft disappeared from radar at Aubusson.

A second aircraft was on a path parallel spaced 4 km but the crew could not see the Mirage disappeared, the source said. An investigation to "determine the causes of death" has been entrusted to the Research Section of the gendarmerie and the air group gendarmerie Creuse, said on Wednesday the prosecutor Olivier Guéret QuÚrard, recalling that "The weather was not good" when the drama -the pilot-carcassonne-and-his-driver-1555144.php5
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