Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Walima Invitation Islamic Wording

and Mutual Support Regiment Marine infantry tanks

Group on Facebook, cell families ... The infantry regiment-tank diving (RICM) Poitiers has developed an effective support and assistance to his soldiers and their families.

Approximately 100 soldiers of the regiment of infantry-tank diving (RICM) Poitiers are deployed in Afghanistan since December 2010 until June 2011. To keep the relationship on a daily basis, soldiers and their families can rely on the Facebook group "Support the RICM porpoises in Afghanistan."

In this community, anyone can submit a thought, word, video to support the morale of the regiment. Conversations are created and connections are forged in a friendly atmosphere.

"The group is a good indicator of the mood of families, including those far from Poitiers. We can bounce back immediately at the slightest difficulty. This is one of the 5 pillars of the regiment in place to ensure local support, "said Captain Christophe Larue, Senior Assistant (OSA) of RICM.

In this Facebook group, no hierarchy, no salutation forced. Everyone is familiar terms and is known by his nickname. Usability that attracts every day 4 to 5 new "friends."

Captain Larue assures: "We are very careful about the safety of our soldiers. Degrees and company names are not mentioned. Everything that is posted is checked. Users are well aware of the importance of respect for safety for soldiers in theater. Since creating the page, one message has been deleted. "

On the stage, messages are retrieved and sent to each. A few weeks ago, soldiers from the regiment were wounded in operation. From their hospital beds, they had access to the internet and the messages "posted" them comforted.

RICM The Facebook group has exceeded the bounds of its initial public: there are also wives of submariners, wives of soldiers from other regiments about to leave, police associations , sailors ... over 1100 people! A welded and secured network, which has allowed to collect voluntary donations for the families of comrades killed in operation.

To coordinate all actions at all levels and support the long term, the RICM has a military arm: the task force cohesion "(brigade cohesion). Led by Captain Larue and composed of representatives of class, she is direct link with all the supporting actors.
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