Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dry Docking Cost Estimating

Television: soldiers who die for?

It will stay up late, but everyone watching the war in front of Patrick Barberis, March 3 at 23 h 05 on France 2 will not regret it. Very aware of issues surrounding the war and the warriors (see the Treason of the Media on the Vietnam conflict), the film examines the relationship between French soldiers and the nation they bear arms. The thesis of the film is clear: soldiers killed in the war have lost their combatant status. Thus in voiceover explained: "For the majority of public opinion, a soldier who dies is a victim. After suffering an accident, the victim of an attack or a lack of command." Captain Frederic Bellanger asks: "What does that mean, to die for his country?" The answer comes not from a politician but a military doctor, psychiatrist Patrick Clairvoy: "A soldier accepts (the) death if one maintains that it was used, there was benefit to all of the sacrifice of the individual. "

often very moving testimonies, collected mostly from officers and NCOs of 3rd RIMa Vannes, thus turning around the value of sacrifice - despised by fellow citizens - the recognition - insufficient from the political - and incomprehension, in general, which surrounds the soldiers. Same story with General Bruno Dary, military governor of Paris and former legionnaire. He admits that "honoring our troops abroad, they are Slovak, Breton, Chinese," but regrets that France sends more easily than young legionaries Gauls break the pipe. It is more accurate, but the question is not here ... Since the early eighties, the French soldiers more than ever in wars waged war exploded, diffuse, have been involved in wars which did not name, called the "crisis" for do not fear: the missions interposition of peacekeeping are those where you take blows without returning them. In Beirut, Bosnia, conscripts have paid their tribute. In Saudi Arabia in the past, Afghanistan and Lebanon again today, soldiers are professionals. Is this a reason that their country supports them unless called? No, of course ...

Rémy Porte, a colonel in the center Employment Doctrine forces calmly explains that "the image of the soldier is diluted between the one who helps people, who because of interposition, the fact that of super-police who will use his weapon on a abscess. " Returning at length about the assault at Vrbanja bridge in Sarajevo, May 27, 1995, the film does not say enough that tipped the war in Bosnia, led to the vigorous response - finally - against the Serbs, then to Dayton, and ultimately at the end of the European conflict. Before the coffins of two soldiers killed in the assault, and Marcel Amaru Jacky Humblot, evoked by their company commander, Colonel (then Captain) Francois Lecointre with startling intensity, Gen. Herve Gobilliard explains: "Modern democracies are built because their children are capable of dying for freedom, for the honor for peace. " Nothing is more accurate than these words. But still understands it, for these days?

The war in the face. What are our soldiers now? A film by Patrick Barberis, France 2, March 3 to 23 h 0.



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