Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can You Use Veet After A Spray Tan

Death of writer Jean Larteguy

Journalist and writer Jean Larteguy died today at the age of 90 years at the National Institution des Invalides (INI) in Paris where he lived for over five years, announced the INI AFP.

successful writer and author of fifty books, including the conflict in Indochina, Korea and Algeria, Jean Larteguy died around 1:00 p.m., it was clear from the same source.

He was admitted to the National Institution des Invalides in June 2005. His real name Lucien Osty he was born in Maisons-Alfort (Val de Marne) September 5, 1920 but grew up in Aumont-Aubrac (Lozère). He had enlisted in 1939 and in 1942 joined the Free French Forces.

After a degree in letters, it becomes corrspondant war in Korea and Indochina and reporter-Presse in Paris and Paris Match. In 1955, he obtained the Albert Londres prize for stories about the war in Indochina.

Since 1959, appeared a series of books that would make him succeed as "The Centurions" (made into a film starring Anthony Quinn and Alain Delon), "Mercenaries" (700,000 copies sold) "The Praetorians" or "Dying for Jerusalem." His latest book "Ambush" was published in 1996.

Larteguy John was a knight of the Legion of Honour, Croix de Guerre TOE 39-45 and with four citations.


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