Sunday, February 27, 2011

Napken Dermatities Tretment

aware of the risks journalists in conflict zones

Responding to fire, a tourniquet or accompany a section on mission without interference: Sixteen French journalists from national and regional media have taken a course designed especially for them by the Defence.

The National Training Centre squad (CNEC) Collioure annually hosts journalists from national and regional training courses for information about risks in conflict zones. His goal: to educate students about the dangers inherent in reports made in such areas. From February 21 to 25, sixteen journalists have participated for the first time this year, journalism students.

The main objectives of the course:

inform participants about the hazards of the battlefield: how to deal with the threat, the effects of light infantry weapons and explosives;
teach proper behavior: reactions to the shootings, acts of vigilance against the dangers of mines and booby traps;
initiate emergency first aid: development of a tourniquet, massage cardiovascular;
inform the development of a story without disturbing the current mission.
During the course, participants also participated in numerous exercises such as introductions to the descent of a wall rappelling, hiking topographic passing a checkpoint. "

Since 1993, two annual sessions of about twenty people are started by the DICoD (the communications department of the Ministry of Defence) in November and February each year.

After the workshop, a "practical guide for journalists" produced in association with Reporters Without Borders is given to each participant.

In 2011, twenty-five journalists have participated in internships information risk in conflict zones.

Information and registration for the sessions in November 2011 and February 2012 / en-releases.
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