Friday, March 4, 2011

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Mirage: The flight recorder found

The flight recorder of the Mirage 2000 N, which crashed Tuesday night in the Hollow, was found "in a degraded state" in the late morning today by investigators, told AFP Attorney Republic of Guéret, Olivier QuÚrard.

"Today there was a breakthrough in research with the discovery in the late morning of the flight recorder that is in a degraded state," said Mr. QuÚrard. "It has been sealed and will be forwarded to the return center of accidents Brétigny-sur-Orge on Saturday," said the prosecutor, noting that if "operations is uncertain, hope to exploit is not lost." The black box was found "at floor level, partly in the mud about fifty yards from the crater," he said.

Today, operations electromagnetic sounding radar were operated by the research institute of the gendarmerie in the lake and the crater and located near Saint-Oradoux Crocq-in East of the Basement. These operations are pre-pumping of the pond and the excavation of the wreck, which could be "at least within ten meters," according to the Air Sirpa. About 25 investigators and technicians assisted by some fifty people responsible for securing the site were still present on site this afternoon.

A pilot and navigator, both aged 30, who were "on duty air," have disappeared in this plane crash.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Gerard Longuet rekindles the flame of remembrance under the Arc de Triomphe

First symbolic gesture of taking office, Mr. Gérard Longuet, the new Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, has rekindled the flame of remembrance under the Arc de Triomphe on Tuesday 1 March 2011.

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Crash Mirage pilots died

Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Jean-Paul Palomeros, Thursday expressed his" condolences most sincere " to the families of two pilots missing "on duty air" after the crash of their Mirage 2000 N Tuesday night.

"The Chief of Staff of the Air Force expresses its deepest compassion extends its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wishes to express feelings Solidarity Air Force as a whole during this difficult time, "said a statement released by the information service and public relations of the Army (Sirpa) air.

"The two crew members, a pilot and navigator, disappeared in controlled air service," the statement said.

Both pilots "both aged thirty years" were "assigned to Fighter Squadron 02/004 Lafayette, on the airbase Luxeuil (Haute-Saône) since 2007 and were experienced, trained and operational, "the statement said.

An investigation to "determine the causes of death"

Mirage Luxeuil departed Tuesday for a traditional mission 20h flight training at night in very low altitude and at 21:20, for some unknown reason, the aircraft disappeared from radar at Aubusson.

Thursday "mining operations (the wreck) were being" on the point of impact in St.-near-Oradoux Crocq, east of hollow, "said Commander Eric Trihoreau, Sirpa Air.

The wreck, not yet visible, could be "at least ten meters below ground," he said. He said the aircraft struck the ground with a "tremendous force."

An investigation to "determine the causes of death" was opened, as the prosecutor Olivier Guéret QuÚrard, that "the weather was not good" in time of the tragedy
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Carcassonne The pilot and his crew were not found

operations continued Thursday morning to clear the wreckage of the Mirage 2000 N, which crashed Tuesday night in Creuse, while the pilot from Carcassonne and its crew were missing and that human fragments were discovered Wednesday near the crater.

"Mining operations (the wreck) are currently" on the impact point, located near Saint-Oradoux Crocq-east of
Creuse said Captain Eric Trihoreau, head of media Sirpa (service information and public relations of armies) air.

The wreck still visible, could be "at least in a dozen
meters of land," he said. The aircraft struck the ground with a "tremendous force," "several hundred km / h, if not more," near a pond in the ground "soft and wet" and thus "able to state press very deeply, "he said.

The pond water that had spread into the crater and was pumped mechanical engineering equipment of the air are taking away the land to try to reach the wreckage. The crew, consisting of two experienced riders 30 years, "has not been solved," he added. Analyses of human fragments found Wednesday night near the crater are underway, according to the commander Trihoreau.

This Mirage fighter squadron of the 2 / 4 Lafayette Base Luxeuil-les-Bains (Haute-Saône) took off Tuesday at 20 am on a mission 20 "traditional" trainers night flying at very low altitude, by Sirpa air. At 21 h 20 to some unknown reason, the aircraft disappeared from radar at Aubusson.

A second aircraft was on a path parallel spaced 4 km but the crew could not see the Mirage disappeared, the source said. An investigation to "determine the causes of death" has been entrusted to the Research Section of the gendarmerie and the air group gendarmerie Creuse, said on Wednesday the prosecutor Olivier Guéret QuÚrard, recalling that "The weather was not good" when the drama -the pilot-carcassonne-and-his-driver-1555144.php5
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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and Mutual Support Regiment Marine infantry tanks

Group on Facebook, cell families ... The infantry regiment-tank diving (RICM) Poitiers has developed an effective support and assistance to his soldiers and their families.

Approximately 100 soldiers of the regiment of infantry-tank diving (RICM) Poitiers are deployed in Afghanistan since December 2010 until June 2011. To keep the relationship on a daily basis, soldiers and their families can rely on the Facebook group "Support the RICM porpoises in Afghanistan."

In this community, anyone can submit a thought, word, video to support the morale of the regiment. Conversations are created and connections are forged in a friendly atmosphere.

"The group is a good indicator of the mood of families, including those far from Poitiers. We can bounce back immediately at the slightest difficulty. This is one of the 5 pillars of the regiment in place to ensure local support, "said Captain Christophe Larue, Senior Assistant (OSA) of RICM.

In this Facebook group, no hierarchy, no salutation forced. Everyone is familiar terms and is known by his nickname. Usability that attracts every day 4 to 5 new "friends."

Captain Larue assures: "We are very careful about the safety of our soldiers. Degrees and company names are not mentioned. Everything that is posted is checked. Users are well aware of the importance of respect for safety for soldiers in theater. Since creating the page, one message has been deleted. "

On the stage, messages are retrieved and sent to each. A few weeks ago, soldiers from the regiment were wounded in operation. From their hospital beds, they had access to the internet and the messages "posted" them comforted.

RICM The Facebook group has exceeded the bounds of its initial public: there are also wives of submariners, wives of soldiers from other regiments about to leave, police associations , sailors ... over 1100 people! A welded and secured network, which has allowed to collect voluntary donations for the families of comrades killed in operation.

To coordinate all actions at all levels and support the long term, the RICM has a military arm: the task force cohesion "(brigade cohesion). Led by Captain Larue and composed of representatives of class, she is direct link with all the supporting actors.
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A Mirage 2000 crashed in the Creuse, the two pilots missing

A Mirage 2000 Air Base 116 of Luxeuil-les-Bains (Haute-Saône) crashed for unknown reason in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the Creuse while pilot and navigator, two experienced military, could not be found at midday.

The wreckage was located at approximately 8:00 to "St.-near-Oradoux Crocq, at a place called The Mouneix", east of the Creuse, said in a statement prefecture hollow, indicating that they had "initiated the plan Sater (Ed.: Rescue air-land) and coordinated search operations ", suspended half past one end of the night due to bad weather.

The plane that crashed at night near a pond," as it hit the ground, made a huge crater filled with water, "he told AFP the prefect of the Creuse, Claude Serra.

" The pilots have not been heard from since last night "and" no echo tag "was captured" for the moment, "said Warden." In the event of ejection, a distress signal is automatically triggered. But here, we have received no signal, "said an AFP correspondent Colonel William Kurtz, Sirpa (information service and public relations of armies) Air.

Captain Eric Trihoreau, head of media Sirpa Air, spoke of his side research hampered by the weather "very bad" and a "very heavy fog.

Wednesday morning, rescue s Endeavour to drain the crater to see if the bodies of two pilots were within the debris device.

According to Sirpa Air plane, a Mirage 2000 N of the fighter squadron 2 / 4 Lafayette airbase Luxeuil-les-Bains, took off at 8:20 p.m. for a mission of flight training at night in very low altitude. A two pilots highly experienced and for a "traditional mission" that "showed nothing unusual," according to the BA 116 of Luxeuil.

At 9:20 p.m., for reasons still unknown, the aircraft disappeared from radar screens at Aubusson, by Sirpa Air.

"The warning given research were immediately launched by the Air Force (Puma helicopters of the air base and Fennec Cazaux Base Villacoublay), the police and firemen of the Creuse, reinforced by elements of the Army , "the source said.

" We watched TV when we felt a huge blast and then a blast. It was believed that a building had collapsed, "he testified to a AFP correspondent Yvette Bellet, whose house is located a few hundred yards from the crash.

The Mayor of Villetelle, neighboring municipality of San Oradoux, Jacques Beef said his side have found the plane Wednesday at 08:00, after hearing him spend the night before.

"You told me earlier that there were traces on the road Crocq (...). I found pieces of parachute in the trees. The aircraft (.. .) dug deep in the mud several hundreds of meters from a swamp, "says he, indicating that they immediately gave the alarm.

On May 11, 2010, a Mirage 2000 from the BA 118 Mont-de-Marsan had crashed in the Landes. The pilot, who had been ejected, was unharmed.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Television: soldiers who die for?

It will stay up late, but everyone watching the war in front of Patrick Barberis, March 3 at 23 h 05 on France 2 will not regret it. Very aware of issues surrounding the war and the warriors (see the Treason of the Media on the Vietnam conflict), the film examines the relationship between French soldiers and the nation they bear arms. The thesis of the film is clear: soldiers killed in the war have lost their combatant status. Thus in voiceover explained: "For the majority of public opinion, a soldier who dies is a victim. After suffering an accident, the victim of an attack or a lack of command." Captain Frederic Bellanger asks: "What does that mean, to die for his country?" The answer comes not from a politician but a military doctor, psychiatrist Patrick Clairvoy: "A soldier accepts (the) death if one maintains that it was used, there was benefit to all of the sacrifice of the individual. "

often very moving testimonies, collected mostly from officers and NCOs of 3rd RIMa Vannes, thus turning around the value of sacrifice - despised by fellow citizens - the recognition - insufficient from the political - and incomprehension, in general, which surrounds the soldiers. Same story with General Bruno Dary, military governor of Paris and former legionnaire. He admits that "honoring our troops abroad, they are Slovak, Breton, Chinese," but regrets that France sends more easily than young legionaries Gauls break the pipe. It is more accurate, but the question is not here ... Since the early eighties, the French soldiers more than ever in wars waged war exploded, diffuse, have been involved in wars which did not name, called the "crisis" for do not fear: the missions interposition of peacekeeping are those where you take blows without returning them. In Beirut, Bosnia, conscripts have paid their tribute. In Saudi Arabia in the past, Afghanistan and Lebanon again today, soldiers are professionals. Is this a reason that their country supports them unless called? No, of course ...

Rémy Porte, a colonel in the center Employment Doctrine forces calmly explains that "the image of the soldier is diluted between the one who helps people, who because of interposition, the fact that of super-police who will use his weapon on a abscess. " Returning at length about the assault at Vrbanja bridge in Sarajevo, May 27, 1995, the film does not say enough that tipped the war in Bosnia, led to the vigorous response - finally - against the Serbs, then to Dayton, and ultimately at the end of the European conflict. Before the coffins of two soldiers killed in the assault, and Marcel Amaru Jacky Humblot, evoked by their company commander, Colonel (then Captain) Francois Lecointre with startling intensity, Gen. Herve Gobilliard explains: "Modern democracies are built because their children are capable of dying for freedom, for the honor for peace. " Nothing is more accurate than these words. But still understands it, for these days?

The war in the face. What are our soldiers now? A film by Patrick Barberis, France 2, March 3 to 23 h 0.

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Juppe "marked" by the Earth Defense Mag

Alain Juppe said he was "deeply affected" by its passage "a little over one hundred days" in the Ministry of Defence, during the handover to his successor, Gerard Longuet. Following an interview about 45 minutes with Mr. Longuet, the new foreign minister visited the Quai d'Orsay, which was scheduled for handover with Michèle Alliot-Marie, Minister outgoing.

At a brief press statement, Mr Juppe said he lived in Defence - where he had been appointed in mid-November 2010 - "a lot of tests," but also moments of exaltation. "It's nice to see that today in France, there are teams like yours who dedicate themselves totally to the service of our country," he told the staff of the department, before leaving "just sad" the Hotel de Brienne.

he welcomed the arrival of Defense Gerard Longuet, a man, he said, "who shares my vision of what the State. "Alain Juppe" is like me a man of the State, it has a feature is a statesman, "he said in response the new Minister of Defense.