Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Death In Afghanistan Clement Chamarier had arrived at "7" he A year ago

Army Earth was released Sunday afternoon a statement honoring Chamarier Clement, who died on the Afghan front Saturday, February 19, during an attack occurred at 20 h 30.

Born in Voiron, the young soldier, 1st class, was aged "just 18 years," the military said. He joined the 7th Battalion of Alpine, based in Bourg-Saint-Maurice, a year ago, in February 2010, in the 3rd Company, as anti-tank gunner. "Showing great qualities as a soldier, he retained a" natural quiet and reserved, "according to the Army. Afghanistan, where He arrived on Nov. 9 last, was his first overseas operation.
Chamarier Clement, soldier of the 7th Battalion of Alpine Bourg-Saint-Maurice was killed in Afghanistan Saturday, February 19 during an insurgent attack. Two other soldiers were injured, one seriously.
The three soldiers were in the same vehicle during the attack. A shot of an anti-tank weapon at their armored then. The victim is a first class fighter. A corporal of the 132nd Battalion of the canine army Suippes (Marne), was severely. A corporal of the 7th BCA was slightly more reached. In a statement, the Presidency of the Republic has explained the circumstances of the attack. By early evening, after an operation in the valley Alasay an armored column was attacked by insurgents near Landarkhel. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic, "presents to the family and friends of soldiers killed in combat its most sincere condolences and shares in their punishment. And he wants "to injured to recover as quickly as possible and ensures that their family its deepest sympathy at this difficult time." The soldier died Saturday tonight is at 54, the numbers of French soldiers from the front Afghan victims since 2001. 4,000 French soldiers are currently deployed within the international coalition in Afghanistan under NATO command, which has about 150,000 men.
In February 2010, the Alpine Savoy had already paid a heavy price in Afghanistan. Enguerrand Libaert, 20, Private First Class of 13 BCA, based in Barby, was shot and seriously wounded a corporal, in similar circumstances, during an attack on a convoy they provided logistical logistics.
http://www.la-vie-nouvelle.fr/actualite/Mort-en-Afghanistan,-Clement-Chamarier-was-coming-to-% C2% AB-7-% C2% BB- il-ya-a-year-3042.html


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